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Skógræktarfélag Reykjavíkur and Mt. Esja Ultra

Mt. Esja Ultra course follows unique trails made and maintained by the Reykjavik Forestry Association (Skógræktarfélag Reykjavíkur).


The Reykjavík Forestry Association has managed the outdoor recreation area Esjuhlíðar since 2000. Special emphasis has been placed on improving facilities, expanding organized outdoor recreation areas and meet the needs of different groups of guests.


Efforts have been made to improve safety on the hiking trail to Þverfellshorn. New hiking and cycling trails have also been laid from the new parking area by Kollafjarðará. This summer, Skóræktarfélag Reykjavíkur is putting the finishing touch on a trail connecting the recreation area by Mógilsá to the new area by Kollafjarðará. The trail facilitates access to a tall forest, a arboretum, viewing points, cycle paths and a marked hiking trail to Gunnlaugsskarð.


Skógræktarfélag Reyjavíkur also acctively works towards the afforestation of Esjuhlíðar.

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